("Responding to Syrian Atrocities")
It feels as if the President is trying to thread the eye of a needle. Don't act too early, or too late. Don't do too much or too little. Don't wait for approval through the United Nations, but don't move forward without a broad coalition. Don't ignore but don't get really involved.
While there appears to be a compelling moral imperative for
all civilized nations to respond forcefully to the horror of the utilization of chemical weapons in
Syria, the world is far too complicated for there to be a universal
reply. Thus, the United States is once more thrust in the position of
leading a charge to impose at least the smallest amount of sanity to the
insanity of a conflict in which you murder your own indiscriminately.It feels as if the President is trying to thread the eye of a needle. Don't act too early, or too late. Don't do too much or too little. Don't wait for approval through the United Nations, but don't move forward without a broad coalition. Don't ignore but don't get really involved.