There is a fire burning out of control in Baltimore. But it is not one that can seen by the eye or touched by the hand. It resides deep within, in the souls of those faced everyday with a world that has turned away.
President Obama warns about us responding only when the external flames are the highest and most visible. And history teaches us there is little reason to believe otherwise. For in the aftermath of each high profile death, with each protest march, with each anguished cry, comes little. When night has passed to day and only the embers of despair are evident, we act as though nothing has happened.
Why will Freddie Gray be different? Why will Baltimore
mark a turning point? There is scarce hope that, even a stone's throw
from the capital of our nation, we will awaken tomorrow to a new and
better reality. Until we treat each life as if it were our own, until we
open our eyes and reach out our hands to see and touch the soul of the
beleaguered the fire will continue to burn.