
Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Great Divide

It is the 21st century version of the civil war. While the population in the country is much larger in area then 150 years ago, and North versus South doesn't quite fit, you get the picture.

There is a philosophical chasm that divides us. It is felt deeply and passionately by almost all citizens of this country who have a pulse. Each side believes the other bereft of common sense. Each talks to their constituents and shakes their collective heads in disbelief that there is really such significant support for the other side. "What universe dropped these ignoramuses into our lap?" each side is thinking. If only they had a shred of intelligence, and were not so susceptible to being swayed by empty rhetoric, then we could have a leader who could take us out of this deep morass and lead us back to the glory days. Each side is convinced that the other is completely, utterly and absolutely without any justification for its support of its candidate. How can we be living side by side and yet be living in such totally different worlds?

I am unable to carry on conversations with those who do not share my beliefs. I am unable to listen to the talking heads on television who espouse a view contrary to mine. There must be many tv sets that never turn on Fox News, while an equal number would rather eat worms then be forced to spend a minute listening to Keith Olbermann and others on MSNBC rail against everything that is wrong with the politics of the party republican.

How is it that we can be wired so differently? Are we really a country of good old boys and intellectual elitists? How did it come to pass that there are entire sections of the country that have such disregard for entire other regions? How is it that red and blue is so black and white?

I go to sleep every night thinking that there must be something we can do as a collective to convince the other side to abandon their ways. I force myself to believe that there is someone smarter than me who must have the vision and the understanding to reach across the great divide and drag the imbeciles out of the darkness into the light. I am equally certain that the other side is convinced that if they can have a mass intervention they can deprogram us and enable us to see the error of our ways.

We have been living through the presidential process for about a year and a half. I thought that the nomination procedures were draining, frustrating and intense. Little did I know that they were merely a prelude to what appears will be a 2 month exercise in hand wringing, primal screaming and obscenity laced thinking. I am afraid that in the end, we will stand toe to toe, ready to do battle with the enemy, and the enemy will be ourselves. As Rodney King once asked, "can't we all just get along"? The unfortunate answer is an emphatic NO.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful essay that unfortunately rings true for me as well. Here's my favorite quote of the week:

How is it that we can be wired so differently? Are we really a country of good old boys and intellectual elitists? How did it come to pass that there are entire sections of the country that have such disregard for entire other regions? How is it that red and blue is so black and white?

Anonymous said...

This is also my favorite quote of the month. America is composed of the party of trying to avoid mistakes and offense through focusing on ideas (undoubtedly inspirational, but don't fill my belly), and the party that charges forward, then tries to coverup the offenses (religion, good ol boys, etc.).

Cassius Clay (Mohammed Ali) was my hero because he both dared and delivered.

It took a dogged effort by a dedicated few to have Winston Churchill honored, because the English forgot about him and his offensive edge as soon as the war was over. They much preferred the fine polish of Chamberlain (despite appeasement and betraying the Czechs).

Plato said that the intelligent who refuse to enter politics will be ruled by the dumber. America has to go beyond wishing and spending in vain hopes of 'better' to getting their hands muddy with the work of free government.


Robert said...

I thank both of you for your comments.

It has been a very difficult week for all of us ( see my last essay) and both red and blue have shared many black and blues over the last few days.

Let's see where this week takes us all.