
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

This year, I give special thanks to:

1) The bicycle - At an age when "newly discovered" normally requires an anxious trip to the doctor, I found myself taking pleasure in pedaling through the Berkshires and around Manhattan. Does this mean spandex is in my near future?

2) Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, John Boehner and the rest of the gang who couldn't think straight - Even as you try to 'refudiate' virtually everything I believe in, as you point, gesticulate and pretzel logic, as you strive to make stupid the new smart, you keep my mind active and my blog posts flowing.

3) Yankee Stadium - It is there that I find the pure joy of walking through the turnstiles with my children, knowing that I will spend the next hours happy, even if my team loses, the weather is bad, and the game drags. However, next year, just once could I actually be there to see victory for the home team while a gentle warm breeze blows across my face and a conclusion is reached in less time than a Congressional filibuster.

There is so much I have to be thankful for, but the rest I will hold for private moments. Yes, there are certain thoughts I do not share with you.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see you in spandex riding up Taconic Ave.


Robert said...

that image just caused me to shudder

Anonymous said...

And a give thanks for having the most wonderful, caring, kind and sensitive brother anyone could ask for.

Anonymous said...

correction: and I give thanks.....

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Ted

Robert said...

I started to write a note of thanks to all those close to me, including my sister (who has posted a very kind, if highly inaccurate portrait of her younger/older sibling). I decided not to, but if I had, I would have written of my great admiration for her, of her selflessness and of the love she exhibits in so many ways each and every day.

Robert said...

Thank you Ted, for your thoughts and for your friendship for the last quarter of a century. I know how deeply you care for me and my entire family. I truly appreciate it.