
Monday, December 27, 2010


It is true (" A Return to Normalcy") that the Republicans in Congress did seem a little less skittish during the lame duck session. After all, the logic goes, they now own at least part of the pie, and nobody gets to cut a slice unless they get a taste. But to confuse what just happened with a return to anything is, I fear, more wishful thinking than reality.

What did the Republicans do, but compel a massive entitlement package for the wrong end of the financial spectrum before they would even consider much lesser "concessions" on other legislation? What did they grudgingly agree to but the continuation of the Start treaty that their party had long championed, or abandonment of opposition to the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" that virtually all in the military, who they looked to for guidance, said was long since without purpose or justification?

We know there are big battles looming in the coming months. I am skeptical that this is now the dawn of a new era of cooperation based on the pre- Christmas presents, handed out by the party of Boehner, Cantor et als. When there is a looming threat of a government shutdown, and there will be one, come back to me then. Let's see whether the Republicans are willing to offer anything to eat but the crumbs.

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