They are possibly the four most boring words strung together in the English language:
"I'll have water please" (if a contraction is considered two words, then my prior comment is amended to read "five").
The very infrequent times over the intervening years when I put my toe back in the water (or more accurately allowed something more powerful than two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen to navigate its way to my insides) have ended in abject failure. Thus neither birthdays, anniversaries, New Year's eve nor other similar cause to raise a glass is reason enough for celebratory swig. And while earlier this week, after what seemed like whatever could go wrong at work not only did but exceeded all negative expectations, the suggestion that I deserved to take in more than a few large glasses of red or white did not result in my following this seemingly sage advise.
Over the years, I have spent countless dinners watching others approve of the vineyard and year or find comfort in a favorite beverage to take the edge and sometimes far more off (figuratively, not literally). My role is merely that of observer.
I know that my friends find many of my eccentricities
(otherwise known as shortcomings) somewhat less than endearing, at best
head scratching. And this abstinence, whatever its derivation, is but
one more oddity. For those who are around me for the first time, my four
word request (or maybe it is five) is inevitably followed with an
explanation bordering on an apology. My wife's favorite line on the
subject is that I am "boring", not merely because of my
non-participation in a time-honored tradition but also as I do not drink
coffee or tea, or anything remotely hot except for the very infrequent
And so I vow to look at the half empty glass of water before me, in all its safety and security, as instead being half full, and internally say four words (or maybe five) of appreciation to my long time very boring whistle-wetting partner: "I'll drink to that."
As someone who medically has to drink 2 glasses of Metamucil everyday, I say to you "cheers"--
And as someone who medically has to drink 10 glasses of water every day, I say "Bring it on!". We will live longer and more boring lives. Marcia
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