
Friday, June 13, 2014

Today's Jewish Standard - An Article about My Mom and Me

My post "The Man in My Mother's Bedroom" was recently published in one of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books, entitled "Living With Alzheimer's and other Dementia." A press release was sent to local media by the Greater NJ Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association (which was affiliated with the book)

To make a short story long, the Jewish Standard became interested, and I was interviewed earlier this week by Joanne Palmer, the editor. The result is an article about my mom and myself in today's Standard. It focuses on both of our histories and where we find ourselves at present.

I am so glad that my mom gets one more moment to be a person of importance. She has been a wonderful parent and role model. Both my sister and myself are incredibly fortunate to be the children of Dorothy Nussbaum and Richard Nussbaum, who passed away over 35 years ago but remains in our thoughts each and every day.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, thoughtful and kind article. You and my mom are truly one(s) of a kind.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on another fantastic article being published. I’m never surprised at your tender ability to communicate through your writings and I’m always delighted to learn more details about one of my dearest friends life. I cannot believe that I never knew that Richie was named after your dad, if I was aware; it escaped my memory long ago.

Well done!


Anonymous said...

Great article!! Congrats!


Anonymous said...

You may win a Pulitzer yet!


Nancy said...

4130Just opened my Jewish Standard and began leafing through to see if I could find the article you were referring to, and was stopped dead in my tracks on page 10 by the bold picture of you and Dotsy. Such a lovely article about you, family history, (much of which I knew), and of course your mom. Never heard about your Uncle Harvey before though.

Nancy said...

44130Just opened my Jewish Standard and began leafing through to see if I could find the article you were referring to, and was stopped dead in my tracks on page 10 by the bold picture of you and Dotsy. Such a lovely article about you, family history, (much of which I knew), and of course your mom. Never heard about your Uncle Harvey before though.

Anonymous said...

Loved it. Is so moving. And by the way, I like your singing, if no one else does (which I doubt)…
Great picture too of you and Dot!