
Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Tell me the world is flat, and I will no longer deny it. Tell me that birds can't fly and I will nod in agreement. Tell me that up is down, the sun revolves around the earth, day is night and two plus two is three. I can no longer distinguish truth from fiction.
Tell me that this country has fallen under the spell of a dunce, that we have gone from the oratorical brilliance of Lincoln to the insipid ramblings of Moe, Larry and Curley, that we have jumped off a cliff without a parachute, that everything that can't be is.
It is nearing 3AM and I am fearful of what the dawn will bring. I am afraid to close my eyes for I am certain to awaken to a nightmare without end. I feel helpless and hopeless, disgusted and discouraged.
My son has advised me of certain trite phrases I am banned from using to communicate my thoughts and feelings.With due apologies to him, I am breaking his rule. I can hardly breathe in contemplation of a universe ruled by an evil imbecile, a Congress under Republican dictate, a Supreme Court filled with Antonin Scalia wannabes, an environment toxic in word and deed, a walled off land in which right is wrong, good is bad and decency has no seat at the table.
This is not how it was supposed to be, not what every fibre of my being told me it could possibly be. This cannot be my land, not my country, not my home. I can't imagine existing in a place in which this is the best we have to offer. That in a nation of over 300 million there was not one, not even one, that was better prepared to lead us on this journey. That we were drawn into this man's lair and are trapped here for eternity.
"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day 'til the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterday's have lighted fools the way to dusty death."
Tomorrow is today and time has lost its meaning. We awaken in purgatory.


Richie Jay said...

Permission granted to use the phrase "I can hardly breathe" because it's not cliche here; it's true. The nightmares are real too.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby. I hear they were passing Xanax out at the Javitz last night. "Pride goeth before a fall". The shear arrogance of her campaign and statements from the supposed intelligencia (such as yourself) highlights exactly why the people of this country closed the gates to finally keep the beasts at bay. Average people sick of how this country was being run; of how we were laughed at by most of the world when that idiot Obama tried to lecture them the way he has us for the last 8 years; the way he has ignored the deplorable conditions in our cities and tried to blame all of his failures on the Republicans. What if, at the end of his inauguration speech, he turns to the Big "O" and says..... You're fired? Look on the bright side... for the next 8 years you can have so much to cry about. and, by the way, good luck finding a golf course without Trump on it now. You gotta love it. Keep in touch. Tom

Anonymous said...

A real nightmare for the entire world…so sad for our country.


Anonymous said...

Why purgatory and not hell at the end?
Is it because of the old joke:

An optimist says "I can't imagine how it can get any worse"
A pessimist says "I can."


Anonymous said...

Voters have sent a loud and clear message: We want a correction of the increasingly intrusive federal government in everyday life. At the hands of establishment political machinery we have seen the credibility of our major institutions - the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Supreme Court, HHS, EPA and VA - all tarnished. We have witnessed our healthcare system be sent into chaos with an unworkable law sold to the American people with purposeful deception.
It's not our government system that has failed us, but the people who are in it. Or as the Bard said: The fault is not in our stars...but in ourselves"

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stand watching the election coverage after midnight anticipating that a bully will probably become the president of our country. I went to bed around midnight wishing that miracle will happen and I will wake up to a more hopeful tomorrow. In my sleep, i dreamed about Hillary with her teary eyes and how she couldn't make a speech. I woke up and learned that my dream has turned into a reality nightmare. I wept uncontrollably for an hour before I could make myself go to work this morning. I don't know how to comprehend this result and I can't face having someone like that representing this country that I have learned to love. I am simply speechless for this unbelievable result. Today could have been a day that I feel extremely proud of this country, instead of weeping tears of joy, I wept tears of disbelief....

Anonymous said...

Well said, but so sad to see the comments. PB

Anonymous said...

SHE was at HER absolute BEST late this morning. SHE gave the finest speech of HER life, so gracious in defeat and painful disappointment. It would behoove us all to use this as an example to put an end to rancor, hateful speech, and begin to show more kindness, compassion, and understanding to those we disagree with. Time for us all to come together and stop bitching and moaning and instead show more of a willingness to cooperate and work together to make our nation a better place for EVERYONE.

Anonymous said...

sad day


Anonymous said...

So the strategy now is to work at the local, county, and state level. four years is doable. don't despair. Get pissed . First thing .... dump the electoral college shit. Popular vote only. First Al now this ? uh - uh.


Anonymous said...

First, dump the electoral college. Let the people speak!

Second, pray that Putin will not not pull a "Ukraine" on Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. (Notice, people, he has Crimea.) Putin's not fooled by The Donald - he knows he has the upper hand. Trump's election completely destabilizes the "balance of power" in the world. We are in for scary times.

Third, what do we tell our daughters and grand-daughters about the rules of society now?

BTW How is it going to work if at The Donald's trial in late November, he is convicted of fraud related to Trump University? Is that a felony? Can we install a President who is a felon? Hmm ...


Anonymous said...

D & JM, wake up. Read the constitution, the EC is near impossible to dump. The People did speak, we just don't like what they said.
Second, Obama and HRC ALREADY destabilized the Middle-East and the balance of power in the world.
Thirdly, we tell our daughters and grand daughters to eschew pigs like Bill Clinton AND Donald Trump. After all let's be fair...
Lastly, as usual, deals will be made, and the investigations into the Clinton Foundation pay to play and Donald Trump's transgressions will all go away.
Wake up folks: "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"

Anonymous said...

Another one is faux-Latin: illigitimi non carborundum- don’t let the bastards wear you down.


Anonymous said...

Brexit USA style!


Anonymous said...

There are other difficult realities. One, the Democratic Party itself is severely damaged. There's no clear successor now. Debbie is gone soon to be followed by Donna and most of the Clinton machine, esp. Podesta etc. Where will the leadership come from? The Warren-Sanders wing or the Chuck Schumer wing?
There will be nasty internal battles ahead. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

And the future of the Supreme Court