What I will not miss when he is gone is the noise. The constant turmoil that churns the mind and the soul, that compels one to consider and contemplate, that makes rest an option that does not exist. The anger and disappointment that forces a visceral reply, that makes one feel red hot with passion, responding with every ounce of strength to that deep well of trouble which lurks in his every sentence, every wave of the hand, every impossibly wrong action. He does not allow for quiet.
Friday, March 16, 2018
What I Will Miss - and What I Will Not
What I will miss when he is gone is the noise. The constant turmoil that churns the mind and the soul, that compels one to consider and contemplate, that makes rest an option that does not exist. The anger and disappointment that forces a visceral reply, that makes one feel red hot with passion, responding with every ounce of strength to that deep well of trouble which lurks in his every sentence, every wave of the hand, every impossibly wrong action. He does not allow for quiet.
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so when? lois
It was the worst of times.PB
That is pricesless. Thanks
I will not miss feeling anxious each new day after reading the NYT...the feeling of dread. Asking what mess has he gotten us into today? Who can I reach to help educate. Please save our country and unite our strong, healthy values.
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