
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Twas the Night Before Christmas - All Was Silent in Our House

Twas the night before Christmas and the House was shut down
Thanks to the tweets of one orange faced clown
Must have my wall need five billion now
Just get it for me, I don't really care how

So he rants and he pouts and throws quite a fit
While we sit and we sit and then we just sit
A nation in limbo as Christmas time nears
Not a nation in peace but a land filled with fears

On this holiday Santa's not in the skies
He's replaced by an ogre and his orange faced lies
While those in the House have gone to their homes
All remains silent in the Capitol Dome

So Santa and Rudolph and all the reindeer
Are saddened and quietly shed a few tears
The chimneys are still, the stockings all bare
But the orange faced man he just doesn't care

In our nation's capital at this festive time
There now is occurring a terrible crime
The man who stole Christmas is ruling the land
With a terrible, awful, very bad hand

But if Santa exists then here is our wish
Please serve it at dinner as our favorite
Build Donald that wall as tall as you can
As long as it keeps out one orange faced man


Anonymous said...

“Oranchya” glad you make us all laugh (and cry....) and laugh.....
I am!!


Anonymous said...

How do Ivanka and Jared and their kids,
Face their old liberal friends..... a lot of them Yids?!

This Xmas it seems they had all better hide,
No prancin’ or dancin’ or pretty sleigh ride!

...Cuz when he doesn’t get his way and he doesn’t get his wall,
He’ll throw more hissy fits as he flies through every hall!

So all of his clan and we who feel his stings,
Should steal away HIS Xmas and chop off his wings!

Anonymous said...