
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A Relentless Servant of Humanity

("In a Career of Reporting, These Are Still Stories that Touch Me")

This is a cynical age, suffocated as we are by the constant insanity and nearly overwhelmed by the frightening perception that we are likely powerless to change the course of destiny.

And then we read of Mr. Kristof's extraordinary journey through life and of the power of meaningful journalism to shine a bright light in some very dark places and give millions a reason to hope and believe in a better tomorrow.

With a President who denounces the press as the enemy and derides the best reporting as fake news, it is those like Mr. Kristof who serve as vivid reminder of the importance of free and unfettered reporting, compellingly demonstrating that truth matters, that all human beings have value and that we must open our eyes and raise our voices to the injustices that damage our planet and wound our soul.

Thank you Nicholas Kristof for being a relentless servant of humanity.

1 comment:

anonymous said...

Thanks for writing about NK. I sometimes read his columns but never had much of an opinion about him (as I do of Frank Bruni or Maureen Dowd for instance). But what you wrote made me curious and the link you attached with his Oct 1 column was wonderfully enlightening and impressive. I will now pay more attention to his editorials!