
Friday, January 8, 2021

Wednesday's Heroes

 Wednesday's heroes.

That is what those who trashed the heart of our nation would consider themselves. Not criminals. Not evil incarnate. Not any of the thousand terms we would apply to them.

And if there is punishment doled out, they will consider themselves as martyrs for a noble cause. They will forever suggest they entered the Capitol on a mission not to steal democracy but to save it. 

We watched, unable to comprehend what madness drove these people forward. Our minds reeling, our senses betrayed by the virtually incalculable unfolding desecration. 

The America we would imagine is mere mirage. That was the unequivocal message of those with their soiled feet on America's desk. 

In the hours to come, we will move away from the events of Wednesday, as we do with every other act that, in the moment, seems it will be the centerpiece of our universe forever. Even the dirtiest fingerprints of the presidency of Donald Trump with every disaster that tumbled forward, will fade over the course of time.

But Wednesday felt different. It seemed an invasion into the heart of our undertaking. Not a slap across democracy's face, but a gunshot to its soul.

We shall recover from this wound too. But it makes me sick to imagine those who wandered the halls on Wednesday considering themselves as victors, as having successfully tilted against windmills.

They live in perpetual darkness. Only this week they came out into the light. Wednesday's heroes.

It makes me sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the saddest day in our lives...
I am thinking of the brave Congress and Senate members who persevered to certify the vote until early the next day
Proud to know that our 46th President was certified on my bday .. I will be forever grateful to them and the brave heroic souls who rescued the election boxes and papers to support the certification

My heart goes out to the young officer whose life was taken and to the others who were injured
No training could prepare him and others for the chaos And The horror that took his life
Sadness regarding those who left them to battle for our rights so Ill prepared

My sadness includes the horror that those who stormed and destroyed the halls of our Capitol have been raised in families where their upbringing and or environment may have contributed to such a total disregard ...
Where have we failed? We need to understand the complexities of their hatred

I just can’t believe the horror of the day and
Continue to believe in hope
Lynne 🏞