
Friday, February 19, 2021

A Cruz to Nowhere

 ("Ted Cruz's  Cancun Trip: Family Texts Detail His Political Blunder")

A Cruz to nowhere. Ok, it was actually a flight to Cancun, but you get the picture.

Politics is optics (not coincidentally, all the letters in the latter word are contained in the former). And could anything look worse than Mr. Cruz wheeling his suitcase through the airport while Texas was under a freezing siege? 

Mr. Cruz will undoubtedly, unfortunately, recover from this debacle (treating it like an optical illusion). But for a politician who prides himself on his show and tell (who could forget his Green Eggs and Ham Obamacare filibuster on the Senate floor, well actually most of us can) this error in his projected image was almost as large as his ego. A definite malfunction of Cruz control.

Mr. Cruz might be able to see all the way from his cold bedroom window, over the big beautiful wall built by Mr. Trump, and into a five star resort in Mexico but it would have served him far better if, in the midst of his state's unfolding tragedy, he had merely stayed home, wrapped another blanket around himself and read some more Dr. Seuss.


Harvey F Leeds said...

He is a selfish evil prick!!

Anonymous said...

And how much of Texas will even care that he skipped town?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the voting public of Texas will forget Flying Ted's hypocrisy a few years from now when he runs for re-election. This is a state that voted for George Bush and Rick Perry. It is a testament to the stupidity of all Texans.--RE

Eileen said...

I wonder how many Texans are sorry Beto was defeated by this evil despicable sorry excuse for a human being??? Karma is a bitch and one day it will come back to bite him.

Ted S said...


Jo Ann Chaus said...

So great!!!!