
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Oil and Water

("Just When We Thought it Was Safe")

Ms. Collins and Mr. Stephens easy weekly bantering and evident camaraderie in "The Conversation" is very disquieting.

It makes it far more difficult for me to be unequivocal in my disregard for Mr. Stephens if I am continually reminded that he may be a somewhat humorous, amiable fellow when he is not forcibly attempting to make arguments that boil my blood.

I guess I should thank the New York Times for cooling down the temperature and gently suggesting that friendships like Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan or Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia are possible even in this era of hyperventilation.

I get it. But please don't go overboard with the milk and cookies. I am watching my intake of food for thought that is hard to digest.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

I always look forward to Bret Stevens columns as the voice of moderate reason and intelligent view points.

He, like few others, understands the toxic nature of criminal activity and how the laudable goals of bail reform, marijuana legalization and alternative sentencing (especially for drug offenses) gave a signal to the career criminals that it was okay to pillage, rampage and destroy. San Francisco, right now, is on lock down and it's DA is being recalled for refusing to prosecute criminals. The self-styled 'squad' of congress members believes in abolishing prisons, even for violent criminals.

I also love Bret Stevens strong support for the State of Israel and her effort to defend her small parcel or real estate in a hostile area. It's truly a metaphor for the 15 million Jewish people worldwide. And he also highlights how most (though not all) anti-Zionist sentiments are really anti-Jewish bigotry.

And today's dialog with colleague Gail Collins is another refreshing glimpse of realism, moderation and common sense. It's too bad that Bari Weiss is no longer writing her columns for the Times.