
Saturday, July 9, 2022

The Crowning Blow

 ("Elena Rybakina Wins Wimbledon and Her First Grand Slam Title")

This was, in intended triple entendre, the crowning blow. The champion as Russian as Stolichnaya vodka and nesting dolls.

Born and bred in Russia, but for the fact of a later arriving greatness, Elena Rybakina would today have held her tongue rather than the Wimbledon trophy, unhappy as a member of her homeland's tennis federation that she had been deprived of this opportunity by mere accident of nationality.

This victory demonstrated the absurdity of treating those hoping to participate as political pawns. We have been continuing witness to the tragedy of Brittney Griner. It should serve as warning that Wimbledon does disservice to the cause of democracy if it, in its own fashion, stigmatizes and dehumanizes individuals and treats them as symbols a part of, rather than apart from, the wrongs they wish to confront.


Anonymous said...

Point on. Well done as always


Anonymous said...

Not sure on this one whether you are saying the winner of a tournament must be held separately from the negative political implications of his/her sponsoring country, and that never the two shall meet? Given the gravity of Russia's transgressions, I think its impossible to separate the two. Please expound on this--RE

Anonymous said...

Athletes should be free to compete as individuals. Leaving politics out of athletic competition is the higher ground.

Anonymous said...

Well said.


Anonymous said...

Agree 100%