
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Separate Tables Please

("Should Justices Keep Their Opinion to Themselves")

I see them sitting, day after day and year after year, at a separate table in the restaurant, congregating always amongst themselves. If even my local trial court judges must avoid the hint of impropriety, shouldn't this rule have even stronger application for those who each day shape the future of our country?

There is an arrogance in their attitude as they free- wheel past the constraints of precedence in their opinions and the dictates of separation of the powerful from the rest of us in their not so personal life. The justices on the right in this Supreme Court are wrong in so many ways, not the least of which is their failure to refrain from giving not very subtle hints as to their private positions in public, highly charged forums. They seem equally immune from the rule of law and the rules of common sense. Yes, these justices should keep their associations far away from political gatherings, and no, these justices most assuredly won't do that.

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