And while I am at it, I don't need any more images of the "confidence fairy" appearing in Paul Krugman's columns on the Republican view of how to deal with our economic debacle. He should not rely on reusing and recycling Tinkerbell's cousin for support of his theories.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with Ms. Collins perception of the likely Republican presidential candidate as something light years away from the perfect image he attempts to project. Further, I find compelling Mr. Krugman's contention that the Republican economic philosophy is the antithesis of what this nation requires. Mr. Krugman is the op-ed writer whose views I most respect, and reading of his column is my first order of business each Monday and Friday.
But your paper strives (successfully) to reach the pinnacle with the most interesting, informative and well written pieces day after day. Ms. Collins and Mr. Krugman are far more clever and far more entertaining when their phrases are not on auto-pilot.

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