This is the unfortunate outgrowth of a party that not only tolerated but embraced Sarah Palin and Tea Party politics. Those who vote in the primaries have demanded that what should have been a radical fringe element instead became the heart and soul of the Republican platform and of its leaders. Trump, Bachmann, Cain and Perry deserved no place in any serious discussions. They were all caricatures rather than candidates. And yet each one ascended to the top of the chart for periods of time. Their demises had to do more with self immolation than dissatisfaction by the primary electorate.
Meanwhile, Santorum, Gingrich and even Paul have not been deemed unworthy, no matter how unsettling or ludicrous their statements. Santorum is still a serious and viable candidate for many, despite his recent despicable comments about former President Kennedy and his alarming stance on sexual activity and contraception.. Further, if Gingrich were to decide that there is not enough money, nor enough delegates to go further, who knows whether Santorum's theocratic vision for this country might not gain his party's ultimate nod of approval.
Be clear that it is not the candidates who have chosen the party, it is the party who have chosen these candidates. Primary voters have allowed this charade to proceed and have latched onto the ridiculous. If Romney proves to be the nominee, it will only be because of his "electability" quotient and not because of a rejection of far right wing rhetoric. In fact, Romney has had to join in the lunacy, not distance himself from it, to try to gain support. He has embraced policies that he once denounced in a manic effort to fit in to the narrative that is required.
Republican voters have not "acquitted themselves about as sensibly, responsibly and even patriotically as anyone could reasonably expect". They have shown themselves, time and again, to be drawn to the irrational, the irresponsible, and those who, while draping themselves in patriotic fervor, take positions that demonstrate little or no regard for those most in need of the rights the candidates would swear to uphold and protect. These are not politicians, or voters to be given even faint praise..
My dream ticket would be santorum with pallin as VP. Now that would be political disaster for the GOP, so I suppose that romney will be their man. And like Bush II, they will whip up their followiing with contraception, abortion, and obamacare., not the important issues of the day, eg, the economy, our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan., bailout of GM. Obama will have to work extra hard this election to win once again. And he will !
My dream ticket would be santorum with pallin as VP. Now that would be political disaster for the GOP, so I suppose that romney will be their man. And like Bush II, they will whip up their followiing with contraception, abortion, and obamacare., not the important issues of the day, eg, the economy, our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan., bailout of GM. Obama will have to work extra hard this election to win once again. And he will !
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