
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Donald Dumb

("To Trump, Even Losing is Winning")

Do you know the most frightening possibility? Mr. Trump is that stupid. When cornered, when angered, when frustrated, when hyperventilated, he responds to the full extent of his mind's limited capacity.

He is obviously no Obama, no Clinton the first. He is more akin to Bush the second, but with a mean center. The most awful truth may be that this is not an act created by a master manipulator, but the real thing: dumb combined with uninformed and slightly unhinged to create this mess we see before us.

Maybe Mr. Trump's billions provided cover for him all these years, masking his deficiencies in a massive pile of green. We were distracted by the dollars, convinced of his genius because he appeared to be a success, even in his failures,  reminded repeatedly by Mr. Trump that he was really, really smart.

Maybe the lack of ability to speak in other than the most basic terms, with the most basic thoughts is not an act. Maybe his lashing out at war heroes, at women who are not pretty enough, at a different person or group more often than our mind can absorb, his mind numbing attack after attack without foundation or reason, nothing more than the mistakes committed by someone who is quite simply put a simpleton.

Maybe Mr. Trump did not learn the lessons Mr. Manafort tried to impart because he could not. Maybe Mr. Trump is really nothing more than Sarah Palin without the nice legs. Maybe there is no Henry Higgins who can fix this Donald DoLittle, no master gluer who can put this Humpty Dumpty back together.

Maybe he is but a little mean man, with a little mean mind. And that may be the most unsettling thought of all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks! This is great! It's got some extra bite in there which is so perfect for this topic. We need a cold slap in the face on this one. My two favorite lines:

The most awful truth may be that this is not an act created by a master manipulator, but the real thing: dumb combined with uninformed and slightly unhinged to create this mess we see before us.


Maybe Mr. Trump is really nothing more than Sarah Palin without the nice legs.

This one has to run!! It may be my favorite letter, up there with Muhammad Ali.


Anonymous said...

You're preaching to the choir. How about taking a day off and come down here to North Carolina to register voters (that's what I'm doing now), or for that matter to Newark, Trenton, Camden, or Englewood? Your posts are great; you're a great writer. But we don't need convincing. We need practical action if we're going to win this thing.

In admiration,


Anonymous said...

yes !
and a participate of Russian influence in america