
Thursday, December 15, 2016

On the Roof of Mr. Trump's Limousine

Is that Mitt on the roof of Trump's limousine? And next to him, Christie?

Who can forget the image of the New Jersey governor looking like he just ate way too much humble pie as he lap dogged behind Mr. Trump?

And Mr. Romney being sickeningly effusive in his praise of the president elect as he kissed not only his ring but his derriere in his audition for a part in "Donald Knows Best."

Counting on the mercurial leader to forgive and forget is, as one might say to Mr. Christie, a bridge too far. Remember, Mr. Trump's favorite son in law had a little score to settle with the former attorney general of NJ for putting his dad in prison attire. And Mr. Romney's fifteen seconds this campaign was spent almost entirely on letting the world know Seamus would make a better President than Donald.

So Mr. Trump's dalliance with Mitt has passed and he has concentrated on choosing only the best and brightest of his former opponents for meritorious appointment: Ben Carson picked to head Housing and Urban Development even as the good doctor himself advised that he was not qualified for the position and Rick Perry, the man who would abolish the Department of Energy if only he could remember it's name, now chosen to lead it.

You can't make this stuff up.


Anonymous said...

I get sicker every day. PB

Anonymous said...

This nightmare only ends when I go to sleep.