
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Misfit, Not Unfit

("Who Decides Whether Trump Is Unfit to Govern?")

Is there a question on Mr. Trump's constitutional capacity to govern? No.

Is there a question on Mr. Trump's Constitutional capacity to govern?  Now that is a wholly different inquiry.

Donald Trump will not now, nor ever, have the qualities or qualifications to run this country. His impetuousness, vulgarity, bigotry, egocentricity, his lack of intellectual curiosity, inattention to detail, inability to decipher information, his lying, whining and incessant tweeting make him a spectacularly bad choice as President. He is a danger to the well being of each and every one of us, each and every second of his presidency.

But that does not mean that he is, in the 25th Amendment sense at least, unfit to hold the highest office in the land.

In June of 2015, from the moment the Wall moved from the brain of Mr. Trump to the ears of this nation, we had a duty to declare him unable to carry out the necessary responsibilities required of possibly the most complex and powerful position on the planet. It is our failing, not Mr. Trump's that is the real issue here. How could we have allowed such a clearly wrong choice to sit in the Oval Office? 

If there is a need for psychiatric evaluation, let it be to determine what aberrational part of our collective brain permitted us to overlook all of the glaring deficiencies, the neon lights that were blinking in our face warning us "no, never ever go there."

The fault ultimately lies not in Trump but in ourselves. And our Constitution does not protect us from our own stupidity in electing him.


Anonymous said...

Bravo... brilliantly said!
Constitution does not protect us from our own stupidity… You nailed it.
Now what do you/we do about that????

Anonymous said...

hope this gets into a paper lois

Anonymous said...

Charlie Sykes in the Sunday Times mag sort of says the same thing, about the Republicans at least…


Anonymous said...

As the saying goes, "The fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves." The only stars to blame are the reality TV stars we are infatuated with. We desperately need a video tutorial (like Khan Academy's video math tutorial) so that we can to tutor ourselves about the nitty gritty governmental issues. We should concern ourselves about what works, and not dwell on soundbites. If we can educate ourselves about what the possible solutions are, only then can we properly evaluate a candidate.--RE