
Monday, August 12, 2019

The picture that is worth much more than a thousand words (and needs no words at all)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one deserves more pages than "War and Peace.

Mr. Trump's thumbs up, pasted on grin, absolutely tone deaf image informs us, screams at us, that there stands a man with not a whiff of compassion, grace or dignity. 

In a moment that calls for making himself as small as possible, he cannot seem to even comprehend the absurdity of this photo hogging center stage disaster.

Where is the pain, the recognition that this is a child who will never again feel the touch of a mother and father, whose parents died because of an ongoing tragedy of epic proportion that is poisoning our nation? 

How does this look any different from the way Mr. Trump would appear at the ribbon cutting for a new golf course?

If we are attempting to portray Mr. Trump in his true light, we need not utter a single syllable, write another phrase. Just post this picture and let it tell its tale.


Anonymous said...

I cannot look at the face or listen to the words. They are both shallow and without feeling.


Alex said...
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Alex said...

We've come to expect this abhorrent behavior, and yet each time it's still unimaginably horrifying and sickening.

LOU said...

Incapable of a true emotion. Incapable of strong ideas. Incapable. But that incapacity does not remove him from being willfully ignorant and full of blame.