
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Pardon The Former Guy? To Quote John McEnroe......

("Is There Anything That Would Make 'the Former Guy' Go Away?")

A pardon would humiliate Donald Trump? In what universe?

In this world, the former guy would use this as proof that the present guy was driven to his political knees, that the Donald was fully vindicated (remember the Mueller report and Mr. Barr?) and that the Democrats should start referring to him as 45 AND 47.

I don't for a second believe the Mar-a-Lago miscues will end with the little dough boy in an orange jump suit. But that doesn't mean he gets to pass go and collect $200.

So, as Gail Collins so eloquently replied to Bret Stephens' hypothetical, no, no, no, no, no. And I would add one more no for good measure.

Pardon the former guy? To quote John McEnroe.......


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Sometimes, oftentimes, Stephens is maddening, his ideology cloaked in a veneer of rationality. Pardon the former guy and he goes away? Really, in what fairy tale universe would rewarding the petulant blow hard mean that he withdraws because we want him to?
Just, no.
Teflon Don is likely to avoid responsibility as he has his entire life, but that does not mean we should actively facilitate it. And let’s not pretend the Donald is the problem, and treat him more like a virulent manifestation of the deeper rot that’s undermining democratic values, processes, and practices.

Thanks for calling bullshit.


Michael Gansl said...

Well said, J.O.