
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Victims of the Storm

 ("Stay or Leave? Retirees Torn In Ian's Wake")

Their way of life gone in a blink of an eye. What they had forever taken for granted now no more.

As I read the tales of heartache and pain, I couldn't help but wonder how many of these same people had ever imagined the hardships of the millions of men, women and children attempting to escape from the horrors they have too long endured. Those who crossed our borders seeking to find even a hint of shelter from their own storms.

So while they sift through the rubble of their former existence, I ask only that those who now awake to a new, harsh reality take an instant to consider what the ones who look upon this country as a beacon of light must be feeling on each and every step of their long, harsh journey.

Let all who seek peace and comfort find it. For suffering is universal. And compassion should be as well.


Anonymous said...

You are so right that compassion is a cure for suffering and heartache and collective conscience the way to make the world a better place.


Anonymous said...

To start over again, for anyone, is a daunting journey. It can bring out the worst fears, and best hopes. If we are lucky, at the end of this journey, there is only kindness and compassion and gratitude.--RE

Anonymous said...

So beautifully written. May we all have compassion in our hearts! You sure do.
