
Monday, May 2, 2016

A Leap Too Far

Both dissatisfied with the status quo? Yes. Is that in itself a predicate for a partnership or alliance? Nah!!! 

Those who support the vision of Mr. Sanders and his inclusiveness, his call for dignity through a living wage and health insurance for all cannot find anything redeeming in the wall that Mr. Trump would build or his intended destruction of the lives of millions seeking a home in a country built on embracing those in need.

There is no symmetry in their message, no connection between the entertainer inflaming the worst in us and the life long independent voice imploring us to find the best we have to offer. 

Oil and water. Not left and right, but right and terribly, horribly wrong. For Mr. Sanders and his millions to find comfort in the arms of Mr. Trump would not be a leap of faith but jumping off a cliff.

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