
Monday, May 16, 2016

Two Hours - Four Minutes - Barriers of Mind and Body

("Man vs Marathon")

The record for the fastest mile ever run stood at 4 minutes 1.4 seconds for almost nine years before that day in May of 1954 when Roger Bannister ran a full two seconds better than the old mark. It was a physical feat many experts had deemed unattainable.

45 years later the new (and still current) standard was set, more than sixteen seconds faster than the time posted by Dr. Bannister. Yes, sixteen seconds.

How can we measure the limits of our physical and mental capacities? While the consensus would seem to be that we are a full generation away from watching the two hour barrier for the marathon fall, the lesson from that damp and cold day in England is that we cannot truly know what the human heart and mind can accomplish. People do scale unscalable heights.

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