
Monday, December 4, 2017

Let Them Eat Cake

("Even the Bernini of Buttercream Has to Serve Gay Couples")

If he were not a builder of cakes but of homes could he refuse to sell his "creation" to a gay couple, or a black couple, or an interracial one? 

Are we back on the bus, or at the restaurant counter in 2017? Is there a separate water fountain or bathroom for those who do not fit neatly into one's concept of who belongs as equal members of and participant's in our society?

This couple was seeking a cake, not the blessing, of the proprietor. And for the money exchanged, they were not receiving a morsel of love, or even respect. Just the right to be considered as unimportant as anyone else.

To be or not to be, that is the question.


Anonymous said...

Actually, you are a modern day Shakespeare.

Anonymous said...

If asked, can an African American caterer be compelled to cater a party for a white supremacist group?

Robert said...

Is White Supremacist a suspect class who have been discriminated against? Who we are protecting should be those classes of people who have been targets, not white people who have exhibited their prejudice and hatred against those they would choose to subjugate. We don't need to protect evil and hatred?