Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Top 10 Television Show Titles of 2020 That Evoke Thoughts of the President
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
2020 - A Look in the Rear View Mirror at the Year In Sports
We really have come very far this year, sports viewing wise at least.
Monday, December 28, 2020
Refusing to Get the Shot
So I found myself in the emergency room yesterday, my left leg deciding to take a different path down a ski slope than the rest of my body. Thankfully, the damage appears minimal, a calf muscle that will bark at me for some time and a slight bruising of the ego. But that is not the real focus of this tale.
Among those to address my situation was a young woman, possibly a nurse (a few people examined me in rapid succession, their particular titles not being given). In the course of our conversation, I inquired as to whether she had received her "shot."
"I am not getting it" she replied. "I am being cautious." She had been offered the opportunity and had simply refused.
We have lived through the most terrible, tragic, tumultuous year this nation has had certainly since the end of the second World War, three quarters of a century ago. Death and suffering our constant companion, nowhere more evident than in emergency rooms such as this around the country, that have been battered and beaten, workers exhausted physically and emotionally. The hope of an effective vaccine our solace, especially in the face of a President who has only taken actions to amplify our pain.
I must confess to being jealous of those who have been inoculated. I am jealous of those who stand in line before me. I so much want to be the next one whose name is called.
But I will wait my turn, with as much patience as I can muster. I will send congratulations to those who can feel the breath returning to their lungs and their lives. I can only imagine their joy and relief.
And I know that each person who takes on that immunity is a benefit to all of us. In time we will be able to open our businesses, to break the shackles of fear that constrain us. One day we will hug again. One day we will live mostly as before, never more the same, but certainly not like this.
I wanted to say all this to the young mother of two, this woman who helped me in my hour of need. But I merely thanked her for attention and wished her a joyous holiday.
I walked out of that emergency room focused not on my minor mishap, but on having come face to face with the choices we make in our lives.
Saturday, December 26, 2020
The Early Bird Special
My wife and I are, to put it in the kindest terms, nocturnally challenged. As winter descends, the early bird special, to our thinking, is akin to midnight madness. Our goal each evening is to stay downstairs long enough to watch the 6:30 news before turning in. So, you can imagine that keeping our eyes pried open to see the ball drop on New Year's Eve is not high on our list of annual priorities.

Friday, December 25, 2020
50 Ways to Gain a Pardon, 50 Ways to Gain a Pardon (thank you Paul Simon)
The problem is you're inside the pen he said to me
The answer is simple don't you know you have the key
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Pardon Me
Here are some other notable pardons by President Trump that did not gather enough attention:
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Principled Republican
("Will Trump Force Principled Conservatives to Start Their Own Party? I Hope So.")
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas
Friday, December 18, 2020
Thank You Mr. President
Thank you Mr. President
Thursday, December 17, 2020
It's a Wonderful Life
What is the value of your life?

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Keeping the Night Light On
We are as two ships wandering the seas in the middle of the night. He, chasing after Morpheus, me waiting for the daylight to reach out and grab hold.
And so it was last evening, as with many before, that we bumped into each other online. While the universe slumbered, we intersected. My new day having commenced at 2:30 AM, his old one only finishing nearly two and a half hours later than that.
My eccentricity a product of age and bladder, his proclivity formed by a career in an industry that demands nocturnal attention.
We are as different as our time zones. He never having met a four letter word he couldn't use as the focal point of a sentence, me trying endlessly to craft phrases like those you have now just wandered into. He wickedly entertaining, me even boring myself as I tell tales that lead nowhere in particular. His beard prolific, my facial hair insultingly inefficient.
And yet here we are the best of friends decades in. Somehow even as we are as distinct as our sleeping habits, there is no one else I would rather exchange brain cells with while the rest of the world is silent and in rem.
He is witty, though a little bizarre in our back and forth this night. I strain to keep up, for I am forever stuck in his wake in our conversations. He is natural and quick in his retorts. Me, a plodder in real life encounters. We are as the tortoise and the hare in our capacity.
This morning, at an hour when the rest of the world had at last arisen, we spoke, challenging each other as to the least hours of unconsciousness the evening just past. He won with three to my four. This cannot be good for either of our odds to reach old age with many of our cognitive faculties still intact.
But this is our lot, to meet when the rest of the world is in pause mode, to compare notes, to make each other laugh, to rattle each other's cages a bit.
And then to move on as intersecting lines in parallel worlds. Both of us keeping our night light on.
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Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Getting Shot
There were reports of thousands around this nation being shot on this day, December 14, 2020.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Our Republican Saviors
("The Texas Lawsuit and the Age of Dreampolitik")
Saturday, December 12, 2020
On the Anniversay of My Dad's Passing
I am getting ready to light the memorial candle commemorating the anniversary of my dad's passing. It is the 41st time I will perform this difficult task.
This is what my brain looks like at 4 AM
Coded Message Attributable to the Zodiac Killer Has Been Solved, 51 Years Later.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Getting the Treatment They Don't Deserve, Not the Treatment They Do
("Covid Meds Are Scarce, But Not For Trump Cronies")
Name One Good Thing About 2020
The presidential election - not merely the result, as our democracy was spared the fate of the dinosaur and the dodo bird, but the fact that nearly 156 million of us voiced our opinion through our vote. In a year when the pandemic threatened to make casting a ballot a life and death decision, and the President and Republican leaders did their worst throughout this process, we stepped up in numbers beyond anyone's expectation. And when the President yelled most foul, his bootless cries were rejected from sea to shining sea, and even in one sentence by the highest court.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Mind Games
("Pandemic Fatigue, Meet Pandemic Anger")
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Don Quixote, The Man of Mar-a Lago
Once upon a time, meaning today, we find our protagonist tilting at voting machines, traveling on his faithful steed Air Force One, railing at his invented reality.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Why NOT Prosecuting Trump Is a Very Bad Idea
("Why Prosecuting Trump Is a Very Bad Idea")
Bah Humbug
("The Winter Mitch McConnell Created")
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
'Twas the Night Before the Inauguration
It was the 19th of January and in the White House
Not a thing had been readied, not even a blouse
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Give Me Liberty to Give You Death
("Thank You, Justice Gorsuch")