
Thursday, December 17, 2020

It's a Wonderful Life

What is the value of your life? 

You are born in the heavens, you descend through the skies and then you
may remain for but a second, a blink of an eye, before disappearing. You may well believe that in a million different ways you give ephemeral clear definition.

But whatever the length of your stay know you have provided immense pleasure to those like me who find such happiness in your presence. The ones who wake in the middle of the night and rush to the window hoping you will make your appearance. The ones who stand outside eagerly anticipating your arrival with arms outstretched or tongue extended. The ones who think of you as old friend as you tap their shoulder or land gently in their hair.

And should you not vanish when your descent concludes, should your story be told not in a moment but days or greater, know of all you can accomplish. 

You may become a snowman, maybe as home for a carrot masquerading as a nose. You may provide a runway for a sled, carrying enthusiastic shouts along your path along with a hint of danger. You could be a fort, giving protection against the enemy. Or even a snowball, maybe the most prized of all opportunities that awaits at journey's end.

You make us feel joyful, a medicine for our souls. You are as the fountain of youth for the old and the best playmate a child could ever imagine.

You are the centerpiece of song. You give meaning to the holiday. You are a memory of a smile, a laugh, a fireplace, a hot cocoa.

You may roll down a hill holding on to thousands of others, growing ever fatter on your ride. You may be thrown into the air by a shovel and serve as head covering for a fire hydrant. You may sit aloft on the roof of an automobile, traveling to destinations unknown.

You may find yourself at the top of a mountain or residing on a frozen pond. You could become best friends with a king or a person without a place to call home. You do not care, for you treat all alike.

There is so much you give us. You are endless possibilities. So do not despair as your travel approaches its conclusion. Do not fear what awaits. Do not curse the fates that bring your beginning and end in such close proximity.

Just recognize all you have done no matter the length of your stay. For your worth is measured not in the ticks of a clock but in the meaning and purpose you have shown in the space you are allotted.
You have made our existence better for having been among us. What greater good could there be? 

And understand you will live on forever in our hearts. In that, you are immortal.



Anonymous said...

Ah yes, snow! I am up watching it fall and wondering if I should call Joanne and close school in the morning. 😀


Anonymous said...

I am sure that no one has ever described it more exquisitely nor has anyone ever before made me want to come back one day as a snowflake.


Anonymous said...

This is fascinating. What inspired it?


Robert said...

I have always found snow to be exciting and comforting. I still
vividly recall an incident when I was maybe 10 where someone cut
across our yard (we lived on a corner) on his way home from school
after a new snow had fallen. I ran out and yelled at him to "get off
my snow". He promptly punched me in the stomach and I doubled over in
pain. (years later I saw the same person. He had no idea who I was,
but he was now about 6 foot 5 and 220 pounds of muscle. My chance at
redemption was not to be)

Yesterday, my son in law mentioned to me, just before the snow began,
that he was sad that most of the snow would fall overnight (and thus
we could not be in the middle of the event). Later, as it started to
come down, he sent an email asking if we were all outside. I
understood exactly how he felt.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful writing, especially your first paragraph! Depending on ones's perspective, it could apply equally to snowflakes and human beings!