I am a letter writer
Friday, October 14, 2022
I am a letter writer
Thursday, October 13, 2022
The January 6th Hearings. Going. Going. Gone.
("House Jan. 6 Panel Plans a Sweeping Summation of Its Case Against Trump")
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Victims of the Storm
("Stay or Leave? Retirees Torn In Ian's Wake")
Monday, October 10, 2022
He Did It His Way
And now election's near
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Baseball is a game of numbers. Statistics to be analyzed, dissected and discussed. But there is one figure above all that separates the men from the boys.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Pardon The Former Guy? To Quote John McEnroe......
("Is There Anything That Would Make 'the Former Guy' Go Away?")
Sunday, October 2, 2022
("One Year Old Offered Sixty Million to Sign")

Saturday, October 1, 2022
Say It Ain't So Joe
("The Supreme Court Is Broken. Where's Biden?")
Thursday, September 29, 2022
About Last Night
Our country is weighed heavy with issues from climate change to gun control, immigration to abortion, Russia to China, voting rights to the makeup of the Supreme Court, to a seemingly endless array of politicians and media personalities who leave us shaking our heads in distress and wondering how it ever got this bad. And then there is Aaron Judge.

Monday, September 26, 2022
Speaking in Exclamation Points
("O'Rourke Condemns Dehumanizing Stunts")
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Why Him?
("What We Will Miss Most About Roger Federer")
Friday, September 23, 2022
You Can't Make This Stuff Up.... Unless, of course.....
("Trump Claims He Declassified Documents. Why Don't His Lawyers Say So In Court?")
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Aaron Judge does not hit baseballs for a living. He destroys them. And so, in game 147 of a season that has become spine chillingly extraordinary, he has sidled up to Babe and is staring Roger square in the history books. He is now producing home runs at a clip that makes it seem they are coming off an assembly line.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
The Perfect Shot
There were hundreds of them. All staring at the same point in the distance. All waiting for nothing more than darkness. To show them what they could not see.
Some were famous. Most never would be. But they were all there hoping to capture a moment of magic.It was the night of a full moon. The harvest moon. The orange moon. There was some app that told them this was where they should be.
My son was meant to be a photographer. Most days when we are together, at some point in that day, he pulls out his phone, or his camera. He sees things my eyes miss. The little details. The angles that escape my attention. The hints of light in the petals of a flower. The bug that has stopped to contemplate its place in the universe.
Often, like today, he pauses in our journey to look upon larger objects of majesty, mountains as far as the eye can imagine, streams and lakes, the colors of earth and sky. Or, the harvest moon over the Manhattan skyline.
When he suggested we drive to this point where there was nothing except the beauty of the Hudson between here and there, I anticipated a few others might be similarly inclined.
We rushed to arrive in time for him to set up, tripod and camera at the ready. When we neared our destination there were cars lined up like we had stumbled upon an all you can eat free buffet. A policeman standing guard, advising those who dared stop their vehicle where the road narrowed, to find another home.
And then I saw the sea of cameras, closely followed by those who had carried them to the perfect spot, for the perfect shot.
And what immediately struck me was that my son's lens was as a Lilliputian among an army of Brobdingnagians. The others must be able to see the freckles on the face of the moon.
They stood in large clusters, each cluster but a few yards removed from the next. Each certain that they had chosen well. Each waiting impatiently for the light to fade.
There was a haze in the sky. The effects of fires almost 3000 miles removed from here. There was concern that it would obscure, that it would subtract from the possibility of greatness.
And then there were murmurs. My eye not nearly able to know what the quiet fuss was about. Even my son struggling to get in on this party.
In but an instant, this posse moved, almost as one, tripods and cameras in a dead run. This location now seemed slightly askew. Trying with a quiet desperation to land on the next small sliver of land where everything important in this world was in absolute alignment.
It Is the Hope You Extinguish - (AN ODE TO GOVERNOR DESANTIS)
It is the hope you extinguish
The light shining from their eyes
Friday, September 16, 2022
Why Is He Still Here?
("Why Is There Still No Strategy to Defeat Donald Trump?")
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Game. Set. Match.
(" Roger Federer Says He Will Retire from Tennis")
Sunday, September 11, 2022
A Noun. A Verb. And Rudy Guiliani
("Rudy Guiliani Is Alone")
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
People in Glass Houses
("With Malice Toward Quite a Few")
Monday, September 5, 2022
The 60 Day Unwritten Rule and the Definition of Irony
("As midterms near, election rule raises dilemma for Trump inquiries")
Friday, September 2, 2022
Of Haystacks Calhoun and Tag Teams
It was 3 against 1. The 3 of us never stood a chance.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
The Top 10 Ad Slogans (Past and Present) Behind the Oval Office Great Pilfer Caper
Capital One: What's in your wallet?
Sunday, August 28, 2022
My Left Shoulder Is Refusing to Speak to Me
My left shoulder and I are not on speaking terms. Actually, I thought it said hi to me earlier today, but when I turned to respond, I got the cold shoulder. Quite literally.

Saturday, August 27, 2022
Clandestine Human Sources
"Clandestine human sources." Even the terminology is clandestine. Oh, you mean spies.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
The Tit for Tat Mambo, a/k/a What's Bad for the Goose
("Can you Tell Me What Would Happen If the F.B.I. Were Investigating a Democrat?")
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
The Sound of One Hand Clapping
("Biden Signs Bill on Taxes and Climate")
Thursday, August 11, 2022
I Cannot Tell the Truth - Donald Pleads the 5th
He may not actually have said "I cannot tell a lie" but the Father of our Country bears absolutely no resemblance to this Mother of Invention and Deception.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Picking On Donald
("F.B.I. Search of Trump's Home Pushes Long Conflict Into Public View")
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Counting the Years - On Our 45th Anniversary
Billy Martin
Friday, August 5, 2022
When a Doctor Calls You at Home at 7 PM on a Saturday Night
When a doctor calls you at home at 7 PM on a Saturday night, your first thought has to be:"this can't be good."
Luckily, for me, it wasn't so bad.
So, my left shoulder and I have been in a battle for some time now. In January, I slipped on the interior steps of our apartment and landed squarely on my ego. You have, if you follow my mental wanderings with any regularity, been provided chapter and verse of my surgery and recovery. I was pronounced almost good as new a few weeks back. And starting last week, I was allowed the freedom to curse the gods on the golf course.
A few days before my surgery, I met with a dermatologist whose task was to advise if any of the score of moles and other strange looking protuberances were more than met the eye. And she focused on one spot that was located, as you now might suspect, on my uncooperative left shoulder. There was no way, I stated, that she was taking a small slice out of that area immediately before I was to face a most unkind cut in that very region from a surgeon.
And so, I quickly forgot about her concern, for I was dealing with a mountain and could not focus on a mole.
Fast forward to slightly more than 2 weeks ago. As I had scaled to the top of Everest and was now swinging a golf club free of pain (at least physical), I was before a different dermatologist, showing my full self to a new set of eyes. Bingo, back to the left shoulder. He studied it with a small microscope and then informed me that the offending area would have to be sliced and diced. The biopsy results would take a week to 10 days he said.
So, three days later, when I received that Saturday night greeting from him, I suspected he was not calling to let me know the Yankees had looked a little shaky recently.
Melanoma, he said. But only on the top layer of the skin. Just have to cut some more around the surrounding area to be absolutely certain that you are clear of any hint of cancer and then you can move about the cabin freely. Or at least that is what I heard, after I took a moment or two to recover from hearing the word at the top of this paragraph.
I could have addressed this a half year ago had my offending limb not been otherwise wounded. I was most fortunate that during that time the cancer had apparently not taken a trip beyond where it remained while I recuperated from the shoulder surgery.
And it was but serendipity that I even saw this latest doctor. I had been in another physician's office very recently (don't ask) and on the way out the door, she remarked that I had to see a dermatologist for a mole she spotted behind one of my knees. But for that glance, I may not have found my way to where I am today.
Which is at a 3:15 appointment for the cutting and stitching. I am grateful that good luck seems to have spared me from anything more than the most minor of temporary distractions from my golf game. Soon, I hope to be able to query the ball, with my reconstructed and cancer free shoulder, and wonder why it has decided that the bottom of the cup is its sworn enemy.
This should be my most pressing question.
I am one very lucky guy.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
When They Go Low, We Go Lower
("A Cynical Low For the Democratic Party")
Saturday, July 30, 2022
A Dad Joke
Unfortunately, this conversation actually took place yesterday morning:
Son: (After a steep hike in the hot sun) "Boy am I perspiring."
Dad: "I am not a sweater. I'm a shirt."
This is exactly why children are often embarrassed by their fathers.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Donald Trump and Lieutenant - Commander Queeg
("The Case Against Trump" - Talk of the Town - August 1, 2022)
Monday, July 25, 2022
Too Little, Too Late
("I Was Wrong About Al Franken", by Michelle Goldberg)
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Thru Hikers and Me
For those who find walking from the kitchen table to the refrigerator a journey, the idea of thru hiking would be as appealing as my imagining Mr. Trump plopping his ample posterior back in the Oval Office in 2025.

Saturday, July 23, 2022
("The Myth of the Good Trump Official")
Monday, July 18, 2022
Swimming Lessons
This was definitely not what the doctor ordered.
I stood in the lake, the water just about chest high. I was there for the sole purpose of protecting one little person learning the fine art of kicking her feet and moving her arms while trying not to swallow a fish. Or something like that.But of course, me unfortunately being me, giving all my focus to one almost four year old guppie was not sufficient. And so I began to attract other similarly aged diminutive persons with swimmies, all who happened to be friends with my ward.And soon, I was a being with ten arms and legs, charged with giving free rides into the shore line, or spinning the bodies in circles of those who used me as home base or even searching in vain for the whereabouts of those who attached themselves to the side of me I could not see.Oh yes, about my doctor. He had, slightly less than half a year in my rear view mirror, put my left shoulder back together again, with the warning that Humpty Dumpty should not try to test the outer limits of what his artistry was capable. Kind of forever, but definitely well beyond the present tense.On the shoreline, I am certain that my wife chalked up my stupidity to, well my stupidity. As to the people who birthed my expanded appendages and stood watching the show, they must have come to the unavoidable conclusion that Papa was more than a few cards short of a full deck.After an extended while I noticed that the one who I had begun this exercise with was either doing morse code with her teeth or was in full shiver. And so I excused myself from the others to whom I had become so attached, and headed to the beckoning towel.My daughter, who had left her first born in the care of Papa and crew, soon received numerous messages from those who had witnessed the attack on me, worried that my doctor and I would, in the immediate aftermath of this undertaking, be having a serious discussion about whether I had ever advanced beyond the emotional maturity of the guppies with whom I had interacted.Luckily, today I can still lift my arm above my head and also remain quite capable of taking a poor fake golf swing without incident.Which only goes to show that stupidity is not necessarily fatal. Just incurable.
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Sunday, July 10, 2022
The President's Precedent
("At 79, Biden Is Testing the Limits of Age and the Presidency")
Saturday, July 9, 2022
The Crowning Blow
("Elena Rybakina Wins Wimbledon and Her First Grand Slam Title")
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Red, White and Blue. With an Asterisk
("The American Flag Belongs to Me, Too, and This Year I'm Taking It Back")